Summary of our Privacy Policy

It covers every La Citadel website that links here, and all of the products and services contained on those websites. The detailed policy follows the same structure as this summary and constitutes the actual legal document. Our privacy commitment: La Citadel has never sold your information to someone else for advertising, or made money by showing you other people's ads, and we never will. This policy tells you what information we collect from you, what we do with it, who can access it, and what you can do about it.

Information La Citadel collects and controls

We only collect the information that we actually need. Some of that is information that you actively give us when you sign up for an account, register for an event, ask for customer support, or buy something from us. We store your name and contact information, but we don't store credit card numbers (except with your permission and in one of our secured payment gateways). When you visit one of our websites, we automatically log some basic information like how you got to the site, where you navigated within it, and what features and settings you use. We use this information to improve our websites and services and to drive new product development. Sometimes we receive information indirectly. If you ask about our products through one of our referral programs or reselling partners, or sign in to one of our products through an authentication service provider like LinkedIn or Google, they'll pass on your contact information to us. We'll use that information to complete the request that you made. If you engage with our brand on social media (for instance, liking, commenting, retweeting, mentioning, or following us), we'll have access to your interactions and profile information. We'll still have that information even if you later remove it from the social media site.

What we do with your information?

We use your information to provide the services you've requested, create and maintain your accounts, and keep an eye out for unauthorised activity on your accounts. We also use it to communicate with you about the products you're currently using, your customer support requests, new products you may like, chances for you to give us feedback, and policy updates. We analyse the information we collect to understand user needs and to improve our websites and services. We're required to have a legal basis for collecting and processing your information. In most cases, we either have your consent or need the information to provide the service you've requested from us. When that's not the case, we must demonstrate that we have another legal basis, such as our legitimate business interests. You can decline certain kinds of information use either by not providing the information in the first place or by opting out later. You can also disable cookies to prevent your browser from giving us information, but if you do so, certain website features may not work properly. We completely disable non-essential and intrusive third-party cookies from all La Citadel websites and products. We limit access to your personal information to our employees and contractors who have a legitimate need to use it. If we share your information with other parties (like developers, service providers, domain registrars, and reselling partners), they must have appropriate security measures and a valid reason for using your information, typically to serve you. The European Economic Area (EEA) provides certain rights to data subjects (including access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability, and the right to object and to complain). La Citadel undertakes to provide you the same rights no matter where you choose to live. We keep your personal information for as long as it is required for the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy. When we no longer have a legitimate need to process your information, we will delete, anonymize, or isolate your information, whichever is appropriate.

Purposes for which La Citadel uses your personal data

La Citadel may use your personal data depending on the context of our relations. Our purposes in relation to personal data we have can be divided into several types based on the following legal grounds: La Citadel legitimate interest
● If you have contacted us through this website, we may process your full name, email address, phone number, company name you work for or own, country where you reside or work and other information you provided to us to be able to respond to your inquiry, to organise the meeting/call or to perform other action regarding your inquiry. ● Our legitimate interest is to provide you with appropriate information and meet the expectations due to your request in the effective and shortest way. ● If you are an employee (representative) of our client (current/potential), supplier or business partner we may process your name, surname, e-mail, phone number, position. ● Our legitimate interest is to develop business relations and communications, to provide our services to legal entities you represent or work for or provide you with information about our services. We may process such information to organise the signing of contracts, acts, other contractual or relevant documentation, to promote our services or to invite you to our events as well as to comply with regulations and requirements Your consent ● If you are a visitor of our website we may by way of cookies process your visits to our website such as the pages you visited, the date, time and duration of your visit and/or your IP address as well as the browser you use and its version, your operating system and its version, your city and state. ● If you are a potential employee or intern that apply for a job through our website, we may process information you provide to us including but not limited your CV, full name, contact details, date of birth, work experience, education and trainings, family status, salary expectations, relocations options, professional interests, languages skills etc. to assist you with suitable roles and potential employment or internship.

Rights in relation to your personal data

Under United Kingdom, European Union legislation, including Data Protection Act 2018 and General data protection regulations, you may exercise the following rights in relation to the personal information we hold about you: Your right of access - You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information. Your right to rectification - You have the right to ask us to rectify information you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete information you think is incomplete. Your right to erasure - You have the right to ask us to erase your personal information in certain circumstances such as: ● The personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected and processed; ● Our legal ground for processing is consent, you withdraw consent and we have no other lawful basis for the processing; ● Our legal ground for processing is that the processing is necessary for legitimate interests pursued by us or a third party, you object to the processing and we do not have overriding legitimate grounds; ● You object to processing for direct marketing purposes; ● Your personal data has been unlawfully processed; or ● Your personal data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation to which we are subject. Your right to restriction of processing - You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your information in the following cases: ● For a period enabling us to verify the accuracy of personal data where you contested the accuracy of the personal data; ● Your personal data have been unlawfully processed and you request restriction of processing instead of deletion; ● Your personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected and processed but the personal data is required by you to establish, exercise or defend legal claims; or For a period enabling us to verify whether the legitimate grounds relied on by us override your interests where you have objected to processing based on it being necessary for the pursuit of a legitimate interest identified by us. Your right to object to processing - You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances such as: ● Our legal ground for processing is that the processing is necessary for a legitimate interest pursued by us or a third party; or ● Our processing is for direct marketing purposes. Your right to data portability - You have the right to ask that we transfer the information you gave us to another organisation, or to you. The right to withdraw consent. Where we process personal data based on your consent, you have a right to withdraw consent at any time. You may contact us via contact form at the bottom of the page if you wish to make a request/inquiry regarding your rights. If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you.

Retention of your personal data

Personal data that we are processing will be kept no more than 2 (two) years or until the consent is revoked/you have objected to such processing. Nevertheless, the specified storage periods can be changed (prolonged or shortened) if required by applicable law or in order to defend our legal rights.


You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the competent Supervisory Authority in our jurisdiction. However, we would appreciate the chance to deal with your concerns before you approach the competent Supervisory Authority in our jurisdiction, so please contact us (see 'Contact Us' section at the end of the page) in the first instance.

Contact Us

If you have a question about this Privacy Policy or our handling of your personal data, or if you no longer wish to receive marketing emails from La Citadel, please contact us.

Terms of Use


Parts of this Agreement

This Agreement consists of the following terms and conditions (hereinafter the “General Terms”) and terms and conditions, if any, specific to use of individual Services (hereinafter the “Service Specific Terms”). In the event of a conflict between the General Terms and Service Specific Terms, the Service Specific Terms shall prevail.

Acceptance of the Agreement

You must be of legal age to enter into a binding agreement in order to accept the Agreement . If you do not agree to the General Terms, do not use any of our Services. If you agree to the General Terms and do not agree to any Service Specific Terms, do not use the corresponding Service. You can accept the Agreement by checking a checkbox or clicking on a button indicating your acceptance of the Agreement or by actually using the Services.


Unless otherwise stated, all website materials, including, without limitation, all text, graphics, other files, and the selection and arrangement thereof, are the proprietary and copyrighted property of La Citadel . You may electronically copy and print to hard copy portions of this website for the sole purpose of using materials it contains for informational and non-commercial, personal use only. Any other use of the materials in this website—including any commercial use, reproduction for purposes other than described above, modification, distribution, transmission, licence, publication, republication, creation of derivative works, display, or performance—without the prior written permission of La Citadel is strictly prohibited.

Copyright Notice

©2024 La Citadel Inc. All rights reserved


You agree that any materials, including but not limited to questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, plans, notes, drawings, original or creative materials, or other information (other than personal identifying information subject to the La Citadel Privacy Policy), provided by you in the form of e-mail or submissions to La Citadel, or postings on this website, are non-confidential and shall become the sole property of La Citadel. La Citadel shall own exclusive rights, including all intellectual property rights, and shall be entitled to the unrestricted use of these materials for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, without acknowledgment or compensation to you. The submission of any materials to La Citadel, including the posting of materials to any forum or interactive area, irrevocably waives any and all moral rights in such materials, including the rights of attribution and integrity.

Spamming and Illegal Activities

You agree to be solely responsible for the contents of your transmissions through the Services. You agree not to use the Services for illegal purposes or for the transmission of material that is unlawful, defamatory, insulting, harassing, libelous, invasive of another's privacy (including bodily privacy), abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, pornographic, paedophilic, harmful to children, obscene, racially or ethnically objectionable, or is otherwise objectionable, offends religious sentiments, promotes racism, contains viruses or malicious code, or that which infringes or may infringe intellectual property or other rights of another. You agree not to use the Services for the transmission of 'junk mail', 'spam', 'chain letters', 'phishing' or unsolicited mass distribution of email. We reserve the right to terminate your access to the Services if there are reasonable grounds to believe that you have used the Services for any illegal or unauthorised activity.

Organisation Accounts and Administrators

When you sign up for an account for your organisation you may specify one or more administrators. The administrators will have the right to configure the Services based on your requirements and manage end users in your organisation account. If your organisation account is created and configured on your behalf by a third party, it is likely that such third party has assumed administrator role for your organisation. Make sure that you enter into a suitable agreement with such a third party specifying such party’s roles and restrictions as an administrator of your organisation account. You are responsible for (i) ensuring confidentiality of your organisation account password, (ii) appointing competent individuals as administrators for managing your organisation account, and (iii) ensuring that all activities that occur in connection with your organisation account comply with this Agreement. You understand that La Citadel is not responsible for account administration and internal management of the Services for you. You are responsible for taking necessary steps for ensuring that your organisation does not lose control of the administrator accounts. You may specify a process to be followed for recovering control in the event of such loss of control of the administrator accounts by sending an email to, provided that the process is acceptable to La Citadel. In the absence of any specified administrator account recovery process,La Citadel may provide control of an administrator account to an individual providing proof satisfactory to La Citadel demonstrating authorization to act on behalf of the organisation. You agree not to hold La Citadel liable for the consequences of any action taken by La Citadel in good faith in this regard.

Personal Information and Privacy

Personal information you provide to La Citadel through the Service is governed by La Citadel Privacy Policy. Your election to use the Service indicates your acceptance of the terms of the La Citadel Privacy Policy. You are responsible for maintaining confidentiality of your username, password and other sensitive information. You are responsible for all activities that occur in your user account and you agree to inform us immediately of any unauthorised use of your user account by email to We are not responsible for any loss or damage to you or to any third party incurred as a result of any unauthorised access and/or use of your user account, or otherwise.

Communications from La Citadel

The Service may include certain communications from La Citadel, such as service announcements, administrative messages and newsletters. You understand that these communications shall be considered part of using the Services. As part of our policy to provide you total privacy, we also provide you the option of opting out from receiving newsletters from us. However, you will not be able to opt-out from receiving service announcements and administrative messages.


If we receive a complaint from any person with respect to your activities as part of use of the Services (other than where the grievance redressal mechanism provided under the head 'Grievance Redressal' applies), we will forward the complaint to the primary email address of your user account. You must respond to the complainant directly within 10 days of receiving the complaint forwarded by us and copy La Citadel in the communication. If you do not respond to the complainant within 10 days from the date of our email to you, we may disclose your name and contact information to the complainant for enabling the complainant to take legal action against you. You understand that your failure to respond to the forwarded complaint within the 10 days’ time limit will be construed as your consent to disclosure of your name and contact information by La Citadel to the complainant.

User Generated Content

You may transmit or publish content created by you using any of the Services or otherwise. However, you shall be solely responsible for such content and the consequences of its transmission or publication. If you are a publisher of news and current affairs content as defined under Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules 2021, you shall furnish details to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting as required by rule 18. Any content made public will be publicly accessible through the internet and may be crawled and indexed by search engines. You are responsible for ensuring that you do not accidentally make any private content publicly available. Any content that you may receive from other users of the Services, is provided to you as is for your information and personal use only and you agree not to use, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, licence or otherwise exploit such content for any purpose, without the express written consent of the person who owns the rights to such content. In the course of using any of the Services, if you come across any content with copyright notice(s) or any copy protection feature(s), you agree not to remove such copyright notice(s) or disable such copy protection feature(s) as the case may be. By making any copyrighted/copyrightable content available on any of the Services you affirm that you have the consent, authorization or permission, as the case may be from every person who may claim any rights in such content to make such content available in such manner. Further, by making any content available in the manner aforementioned, you expressly agree that La Citadel will have the right to block access to or remove such content made available by you if La Citadel receives complaints concerning any illegality or infringement of third party rights in such content. By using any of the Services and transmitting or publishing any content using such Service, you expressly consent to determination of questions of illegality or infringement of third party rights in such content by the agent designated by La Citadel for this purpose.


La Citadel, La Citadel logo, the names of individual Services and their logos are trademarks of La Citadel Corporation Private Limited. You agree not to display or use, in any manner, the La Citadel trademarks, without La Citadel’s prior permission.

Modification of Terms of Service

We may modify this Agreement upon notice to you at any time through a service announcement or by sending email to your primary email address. If we make significant changes to the Agreement that affect your rights, you will be provided with atleast 30 days advance notice of the changes by email to your primary email address. You may terminate your use of the Services by providing La Citadel notice by email within 30 days of being notified of the availability of the modified Agreement if the Agreement is modified in a manner that substantially affects your rights in connection with use of the Services. In the event of such termination, you will be entitled to prorated refund of the unused portion of any prepaid fees. Your continued use of the Service after the effective date of any change to the Agreement will be deemed to be your agreement to the modified Agreement.